Why subscribe?

Transitjam.com is THE official newspaper of Hong Kong road safety and sustainable transport, holding government to account, inspiring readers with developments in clean mobility and putting safe streets at the top of policymaker agendas. Readers from corporates to transport professionals and NGOs appreciate the mix of down-to-earth local journalism and a deep committment to transport and urban planning issues.

Supporting independent journalism

We’ve run completely free since February 2020.

We don’t even run ads out of respect for your screen space and privacy. And our weekly update newsletter will always be free.

But we want to grow, hire journalists and hit the sector harder.

By supporting Transit Jam with a paid or Founder Member newsletter subscription you can help our investigative journalism, help us hold government and corporates in transport accountable and expose wrong-doing, corruption and hypocrisy.

So if you can afford it, please support with a paid subscription!

Thanks for reading!

James Ockenden
Transit Jam

WhatsApp +852 9410 4988

Subscribe to Transit Jam

Hong Kong's first newspaper dedicated to the urban environment, shut down by government threats in 2023, founder James Ockenden still Substacking here very occasionally


Journalist in Hong Kong, former RTHK broadcaster, founder of Transit Jam